
Accurate readings and inspiration

Custom Crystal Healing Grids

Crystal grids are an effective way to harness the power of crystals for healing, meditation, manifestation and spiritual growth. They work by combining the energies of multiple crystals to create a unified field of intention. Some benefits of using crystal grids include:

Amplifying the energy of individual crystals

Focusing intention and manifesting desires

Balancing and harmonizing energy in a space

Enhancing meditation and spiritual practices

Creating a sacred and beautiful space

Removing obstacles to a desired outcome

Increasing energy and motivation

Assisting in breaking old patterns

Overall, crystal grids offer a simple and powerful way to enhance your well-being.

Pandora is a Certified Crystal Healing Practitioner, sound healer, medical intuitive and psychic medium who will work with you to set your intention for a custom healing grid. She will take a photo of your grid so that you can join her and focus on the grid during your healing times.

Pandora offers 2 day, 3 day and 7 day grids. When you book your healing grid, Pandora will be in touch via text to learn about what you want the grid to address, so that she can choose the crystals and layout. You will also decide when grid starts, and convenient times are set for you, so that you can join in the healing times by focusing on the photo of the grid that will be sent to you. You may also print out that photo and keep it with you for the duration of the time that the grid is working. Pandora will give text updates on what she feels daily and make adjustments to the grid, if needed. During the healing sessions, she may also use tuning forks, healing drum, Tibetan singing bowl, Tibetan chimes, Native flute or singing.

3 day grids include: two, fifteen minute scheduled distant healing sessions per day, for a total of 90 minutes of Pandora’s healing energy sent through the grid.

2 day grids include: two, fifteen minute scheduled distant healing sessions per day, for a total of one hour of Pandora’s healing energy sent to you through the grid.

7 day grids include: two, fifteen minute distant healing sessions per day for a total of 3.5 hours of Pandora’s healing energy sent through the grid.

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Sound healing

Sound healing is a powerful way to shift and clear your energy. It balances your chakras, brings a sense of peace and helps to release anxiety.

I am able to see issues happening not just in the physical body, but also in the energetic body. When I do an intuitive healing or  medical intuitive reading for someone, I first see their energy and I can perceive the emotional or life pattern that is contributing to the energetic imbalance in their body.

Clients experience many emotions during our time together. A recent client had a joyous experience. Some clients release a lot of deeper, trapped emotions from trauma, anxiety and PTSD.

The combination of tank drum, crystal singing bowls, Tibetan bowls and chime, sound healing with solfeggio tuning forks and my medical intuitive wisdom, create a powerful experience. These sessions are just as powerful over the phone or skype so, never feel limited by distance or the pandemic.

Have you ever gone to a concert and felt better? Like your head and heart were somehow lighter? Music has vibration in fact everything in nature is vibrating, too. The vibration of the tuning forks, specifically focused on areas of imbalance will have a powerful effect, much like the effect a concert has 🎶


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Sound Healing sessions with Pandora

Sound healing with Pandora

Everything in the Universe, including ourselves, is composed of energy and vibration. When we become sick or stressed, the vibration of our minds, energy fields and bodies are disrupted. The potential to get out of sync comes from within ourselves – our thought patterns – and outside ourselves – think about all the noise, toxins and negativity that overwhelm us every day as we move through our lives. Sound healing leads us back to our natural state of harmony, within ourselves and with the world around us. 

Pandora is a Certified Crystal Healing Practitioner led by her medical intuitive wisdom to re-tune your imbalance using a combination of crystals, essential oils and tuning forks that are tuned to the ancient Solfeggio frequencies traditionally used in sacred music and Gregorian chant.

The sound vibration slows our brain waves and calms the nervous system – the more relaxed our minds can be, the more our bodies can repair and reboot. 

Everyone’s experience is unique, every time! We tend to take what we need from each sound healing and may come away alive and tingling or relaxed and sleepy. Some of the common things people experience are: sleeping very deeply and soundly, feeling more connected to the world around them, going into a deep state of meditation, experiencing colors and images, feeling more creative, receiving wisdom or inspiration about their lives, releasing old thoughts that are weighing them down and finding relief from a physical issue such as back pain. 20180617_131151-0142492763_2174504309471887_414309604982259712_n

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